What the "Crazy Person Feeling" is and why it matters.

On the first day of Dessert Club, I tell all the participants that they may find themselves having the “Crazy Person Feeling” more than once during this group.

The “Crazy Person Feeling” means that you feel a little, well, crazy. Your body feels like it might explode out of your skin, you feel jumpy, and screaming suddenly sounds quite nice.

It is my strong opinion that if we want to radically improve how we relate to food, feeling more like a crazy person is a very good thing

I know you might not believe me. Who wants to feel like a crazy person, anyway? I think this is best explained in person, so I made you a video.

Or maybe you don’t even know what I mean. Maybe you don’t feel anything at all when you eat. Maybe eating is a bit like sleepwalking — you might be a thinking, feeling person, but while you’re eating the tortilla chips…you don’t seem to feel or think much at all.

In that case, you definitely need to watch this video.        

After you watch the video, I’d love to know: when have you felt the Crazy Person Feeling recently? What was going on? How did you deal with it?