On choosing what to eat

How do you actually choose what you should eat? 

It seems like an obvious question, and yet, a lot of us aren’t actually very good at doing this in a way that serves us. We either over-do it, or we limit foods that would bring us pleasure or satisfaction and end up feeling deprived or dissatisfied or unwell in our bodies.

Many of us assume that “planning” should be a big part of choosing what to eat effectively. For a long time, I planned what I would eat because I was afraid of what I would eat if I didn't have a rock-solid plan in place: "I will eat exactly half of my quesadilla at the Mexican restaurant," for example.

Of course, planning isn’t inherently bad. If it makes you feel good, keep doing it, and there’s a lot of contexts in which I think it makes total sense (packing a lunch for work or school, for example).

And yet, holding on too rigidly to our planning can also have some downsides — and so in this video, I want to talk to you about what those downsides may be, offer you a slightly different perspective on how to choose what you want to eat: being willing to be surprised.

Is this something that comes naturally to you, or something that you struggle with? Is there a situation recently, where you might have acted more on your own behalf, if you’d let yourself be surprised?

Superfans may notice that I originally shared this video back in 2014. (!!) While I’m on maternity leave, I’m sharing some of my best posts from my archives — I hope you enjoy! :)