The Dessert Club Mastermind

**Applications close on Sunday, 2/27 @ 11:59 pm EST + only 2 spots left!**


Let me guess: You’re a pretty “together” person.

You pay your bills, meet your life commitments, get things done when they need to get done.

And then there’s your eating.

I mean, sometimes your eating is totally fine. Sometimes you follow that plan you made. Sometimes you eat just the one cookie…or no cookies at all!

And then there are the other times.

  • Times when you make a plan…and then look up after the meal and think I can’t believe I ate all of that!

  • Times when eat the bag of pita chips, standing up next to the cabinet, eyes glazed over a bit — hoping that no one walks in.

  • Times when you eat in a way that makes you feel downright…embarrassed. Ashamed. Out-of-control, even. You may have never, ever told anyone that you eat like this.

I know how you feel because I’ve felt exactly the same way.

It felt like it took a ton of effort to manage my eating (which was tiring), or like I’d stop managing things and really overdo it. Neither was working for me.

I kept wondering: Does everyone have to try so hard with their eating? Does everyone else keep messing up all the time?


Much to my own surprise, I found a way out.

Honestly, I didn’t think it was possible to feel the way I feel about food now:

  • I can go to a cocktail party, on vacation, or to my family’s holiday gathering, and eat pleasurably + also feel well.

  • I can keep any food I like in the house without being afraid I’ll overdo it.

  • I don’t count calories, portions, or anything.

I created the Dessert Club to share what I’d learned with anyone who needs it.

Eating doesn’t have to be so frustrating, guilt-inducing, or embarrassing. It doesn’t have to be hard or exhausting.

In the Dessert Club Mastermind, you’ll learn how to feel calm, empowered + joyful around food. 


What you’ll gain from the Dessert Club Mastermind:

  • Feel safer around delicious food.
    So many of us spend a lot of emotional + mental energy thinking about food — worry about what we should eat, guilt about what we did eat. It’s possible to feel calmer about it all.

  • Feel more empowered when you eat. There’s new skills that you can build — about noticing hunger, fullness, and more. There’s new information you can gather about why you’re eating. And above all: there are different actions you can take.

  • Stop feeling ashamed or embarrassed.
    You may believe that your eating is a shameful, totally unique-to-you secret…but you’re wrong. Actually, it’s a pretty common pattern, there are ways of improving it that work for a lot of people.

  • Recover better + more kindly.
    You won’t always eat “perfectly.” We’ll talk about how to bounce back from those times faster, in a way that makes you feel well-cared for…and may even give you useful insights.

“Before joining the Dessert Club, I was feeling so exhausted and hopeless and like I would never be "normal" regarding food. I was tired of the cycle of restriction and binging and I felt out of control. I felt so sad and alone.

“I am just so thankful from the bottom of my heart that you created this group. THANK YOU THANK YOU!”

— Kathy, Pennsylvania


What topics will we cover in the Dessert Club Mastermind?

  • How to feel safe around delicious foods + how to eat pleasurable foods while also feeling well in your body

  • How to eat precisely — not too little (no restriction here!), but also not too much (we want to avoid eating more than makes us feel well)

  • How to notice subtle body sensations of hunger, fullness, and how food is making us feel — and how to distinguish from other sensations like anxiety or agitation.

  • What to do before, during, and after an overeating experience — to “recover” in a way that is calmer, happier, and more likely to lead to you eating in a way that serves you better in the future

  • And much more!

"Before the DC, I feared food, I avoided food, I used food to abuse. Life was a chaotic hectic mess. 

[Since being in the Dessert Club] I’ve learned so much. I've learned how to shake myself awake during a binge or even when I'm just starting to head downhill with overeating. I don't restrict myself to anything anymore, I allow myself to eat it, feel it, to really, really enjoy it.  And that's it. I don't overdo it. And even if I do, I have the tools and training necessary to recognize the signs - and to stop myself in time.

I am so thankful for everything you taught me, Katie - really! You changed my whole relationship with food. Life STILL is chaotic, but the DC has taught me how to react better to it."

— Sherry, New York

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About me

Hi, I’m Katie! I started the Dessert Club because changing my relationship with food was one of the best things I ever did. This thing that felt so hard + tiring + like I kept messing up all the time…it became pleasurable. I got to actually enjoy food, and eat in a way that made me feel well. That was pretty amazing on its own, because I freaking love food.

And also: it changed my entire life. (That’s a big thing to say, but I mean it!) Looking deeply at my food gave me insights about my romantic relationships, friendships, home, city, career, ambitions, working style, relationship to technology, and more. I never, ever expected that exploring my eating would do this — and yes, at times it was a little scary. But I’m so grateful it happened.

It seemed like the skills I learned + the insights I had weren’t talked about enough in our culture. Too often people are focused on things like, “should I intermittently fast?” or “should I eat coconut oil?” when the real question is: “Why do I eat so often in a way that I already know doesn’t serve me?” and “What skills do I need to eat more often in a way that does serve me?”

So the Dessert Club was born. The curriculum is deeper, more holistic, and more useful than almost anything I’ve heard of, when it comes to eating. It is something I’m extremely proud of — I’d love for you to join us.

“Before joining the Dessert Club, I felt like they would never be a time when I didn't have an issue with food. I was in a hopeless cycle of restriction and bingeing. And I felt anxious about any attempts to solve the issue as I was nervous I would put on weight.

“[To other women who are struggling], I'd say relax. It's okay to get help. Stop carrying the burden alone. For me the Dessert Club will be the best decision I've made to help me grow as a person and enjoy life to the fullest. I would recommend it to anyone who feels they struggle with their eating, however great or small they feel their issues are.”

— Anita, UK


What’s included in the Dessert Club Mastermind?

The Dessert Club Mastermind is the premium, deep, high-touch support I’ve always wanted to offer. Joining the mastermind includes:

  • 12 weeks of small group coaching calls. In our weekly, 90-minute group coaching calls, I’ll personally walk you through the ideas, models, and practices that are at the core of the Dessert Club, and do group coaching where you’re feeling stuck.

  • Two 1:1 coaching sessions with me. Most of us also have very personalized struggles about how we relate to food, which are best explored in the intimacy of 1:1 coaching conversations. In these conversations, I’ll listen deeply, point out blind spots, suggest new models, and offer individualized practices for you to explore.

  • Email support. Between group coaching sessions, you’ll have email check-ins with your “pen pals” — sharing challenges, wins, and things that are resonating. People often tell me that their pen pals ended up being one of their favorite aspects of the program. And if you have any questions for me, you’re welcome to email me directly!

  • Lots of resources. All group coaching calls will be recorded + shared in a private forum, so you can go back + watch a replay if you missed a session, or if you just want a boost. You’ll also have complete access to the Dessert Club Self-Paced when it launches, where you’ll be able to review all of the core Dessert Club curriculum through videos, worksheets, and more.

There’s lots more about times, dates, and all kinds of other things (who tends to be a good fit? etc). in the FAQs

The investment:

  • Regular enrollment: $1648
    3-month and 6-month payment plans are available


Maybe you’re wondering….

  • Are payment plans available? Yes! You can pay over 3 or 6 months, if that makes it more doable for you.

  • I have other questions! There’s lots more about times, dates, and all kinds of other things (who tends to be a good fit? etc). in the FAQs

  • I want to join! What’s the next step? I want to personally speak with everyone who is interested in joining to make sure it’s a good fit + answer any questions you may have. Schedule an interest call with me here!


What past Dessert Club participants have said:

Sometimes it’s helpful to hear from other real people — just like you.

"I used to wake up and plan each meal that I would eat, how many calories I could eat, the times I was allowed to eat, etc. Of course, I used to break these rules all the time because I would feel hungry and then feel angry with myself. 

But ever since I learned from you I've stopped overeating and the stomachaches have stopped! I feel so happy every day waking up knowing that I can eat whenever and whatever I want as long as I'm hungry and I stop when I'm full. No gimmicks, dieting, restrictions, guilt -- it's wonderful to feel free. 

Thank you, thank you SO much, Katie, for leading such wonderful sessions! You truly changed my life and helped me out of a cycle I thought I'd be stuck in forever. I'll certainly recommend the Dessert Club to anyone I know who is struggling with food. Thank you! "

— Dessert Club Participant

Before joining the Dessert Club, I was scared of a pot of Nutella, frustrated, and generally angry this thing had control of me. I was unable to stop eating when the ‘binge’ got hold of me and generally depressed that all the weight I had lost in the past year was almost regained.

Since being in the Dessert Club, I’ve realized that this issue isn't about food. It's about me: my emotions, how I feel, my reactions to others. I take things that are totally unrelated to food and punish my body with food, dumbing down emotions, reacting with my mouth and not my inner self. I see how little attention I pay to food, the distractions of life are around my hips instead of dealing with them.

For people considering joining, I’d say that it’s the first brave step towards dealing with the root of your eating problems.  The support from Katie and the rest of the crew is a wonderful, safe way to explore yourself and your food issues. You may laugh or cry or do both at the same time.  And when things are bad, you only have 6 days until there is someone there to support you.”

-- Fiona, Kent, UK


“[Before this work], I dreaded my binges, and felt absolutely demolished every time I succumbed to one.  Food equaled guilt to me 100% of the time. I felt awful, out of control, and like food was the enemy.

“I had no idea what to expect with the Dessert Club, but I was afraid the group sessions would be boring, or not pertinent, or depressing. Ironically enough, the group sessions became my favorite part!  I learned SO much from hearing the other stories.  It made me feel less alone, less crazy, and supported by the other members of the group.

I now know how terrible my relationship with food was, and for how long it's been happening.  I realize how much damage I did to myself, and how far I have to go...but for the first time ever, I feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

The group really exceeded my expectations, and opened a whole new chapter for me.  For once I feel like being in control of my food intake is possible.  I feel like eating is pleasurable again.  I feel like I have a shot at being "normal" again...whatever that is.  :-)

[For people considering the Dessert Club], I would tell them that if they are doing it for themselves, to jump right in and go.”

-- Lisa, Texas


"I used to be so obsessed, thinking if I lost ten pounds or if I cut out fries, my life would somehow fall in place. 

[From the Dessert Club], I learned that the only problem that food solves is hunger. Everything else, you have to confront other ways. I am more aware of how my body feels, what is stressing me out, when I am bored. It's even gone deeper for me, in that I've seen that I use food to connect to people. So I have been trying to connect in other ways! 

I think food has tasted better than ever-- I've really slowed down to pay attention to how it tastes, feels and how hungry I am. Slowing down and enjoying your food has really helped me crave less, and think about it less. 

I would tell people [thinking about joining the Dessert Club] that is it is a great, great idea! It's really helped me mend my relationship with food (its been obsessive and unhealthy since FOREVER). Seeing that food and weight loss are not the answer to all your problems is eye opening. There are other ways to confront what's going on inside and food is not the enemy! "

— Sarah, Chicago

Want to read even more real stories from Dessert Club participants? Check out our testimonials page.